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Knox St. Studios

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I love the mission and approach of Knox St. Studios and am a huge believer in the value of physical space to bring a community together with content and virtual resources.
– Mary Grove, Bread and Butter Ventures and Techstars Foundation Advisory Board

About Knox St. Studios

Knox St. Studios connects and equips current or aspiring entrepreneurs across the Triangle area of North Carolina and beyond with the skills needed to create businesses, jobs, intellectual property, and community wealth for generations to come.

The Why – Sharing is the optimal approach to growth. We believe that intelligent design is inspired by the sharing of information. A community must be well informed.​

The How – Through information sharing, teaching, and apprenticeship, we will create more equitable scenarios in community economic affairs and business.

The What – Knox St. Studios designs and facilitates instruction to educate community stakeholders (residents & business owners) on community asset creation and asset protection.

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